Why choose McTimoney chiropractic?
I practice the McTimoney technique because it is gentle, non-invasive and readily accepted by animals.
Most of the time, they really enjoy it.
The technique focuses on aligning the spine and pelvis to restore the function of the skeletal system, nervous system and surrounding soft tissue.
The spinal cord is protected by vertebrae that make up the spinal column. These vertebrae have a natural range of motion that helps your animal move.
Nerves exit the spinal column between the vertebrae and transmit information to and from the brain to the various areas of the body, like organs and muscles.
If the spine is not in alignment or if there is muscle tension around the spine as the result of an injury, the nerves are less able to do their job.
Blood supply can also be affected and can result in pain, discomfort and drops in level of performance. The term misalignment refers to when a joint is not moving correctly and is not positioned as it should be to function correctly.
McTimoney is a holistic approach and treats the whole body using adjustments with the hands.
It relies on speed of movement to make adjustments and allow the neuromuscular system to function better.
The McTimoney adjustment applies a stimulus quickly and specifically to a targeted point within normal range of motion to restore neutral alignment and full range of motion.
It releases the muscle across the joint to restore it to a neutral point.
This treatment can help to restore movement and relieve pain if your dog or horse has been compensating or has suffered a musculoskeletal injury.
It improves the whole body's understanding of being well, known as innate intelligence.